Plandemic: Indoctornation – EIFA Best Documentary Gold Award Winner


This is part two of the Plandemic series, the most seen and censored documentary. The first installment of Plandemic featuring veteran virologist Judy Mikovits, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide. According to its producer, to date, not one major claim made in Plandemic has been proven inaccurate. After one year later, nearly every major claim in the series has been validated by qualified scientists and health experts. Plandemic: Indoctornation was a Winner of the The European Independent Film Award (EIFA) Best Documentary Gold Award. Plandemic is also available in book form.

The initial trailer is considered highly controversial and was been removed from YouTube for a violation of the sites vague and widely ranging Community Guidelines. It was also removed from Facebook and Vimeo. On Thursday, May 7, 2020, Facebook told reporters that the documentary violated its policies by promoting  potentially harmful misinformation, however, who gives Facebook the right to determine if the information is in-fact, inaccurate? The video is being labeled as an outrageous conspiracy theory, so be prepared for ideas that will challenge your own conscience – then make up your own mind on whether it is part of some sort of a propaganda campaign to be simply dismissed as fiction, or something more. Regardless of view or opinion, this documentary video is protected by The First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The full movie is expected to be released later this year.

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