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Op-Ed: Weak Leaders Imperil Both Israel and The U.S.

 Israel and The U.S.
People burn a makeshift flag of US during a protest against U.S and Israel policy in Gaza district. File photo: Alexandros Michailidis, Shutter Stock, licensed.

BOCA RATON, FL – The peoples of both the United States and Israel both should be assured by their democratically elected governments that their safety and security will be protected. As of recent years we’ve sadly observed that is not an actuality. In our own case, we see how the open-to-all southern and an unparalleled, climbing through the roof crime rate actually threatens the lives of our populace.

In Israel, also now ruled by Yair Lapid, a weak Prime Minister, Lebanon and its ruling terrorist group, Hezbollah, have somehow managed to finagle Israel’s government to sign a maritime border deal involving the sharing of valuable undersea deposits of oil and natural gas, that will surely end as did the historic Oslo Accords Deal that was eventually ignored by its Palestinian signers. Although recognized as “partners” in this recent agreement, it is a safe bet that Israel’s unstable northern neighbor will surely not honor its word and turn against Israel with violence and terror. In strong arming Israel to sign the pact, Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, threatened in August; “If the Lebanese state is not given what it wants, we will be heading to an escalation.” Read “war.” To all intents and purposes, the world views Israel’s signing as a capitulation. Let’s remind Prime Minister Lapid, who gushed over his “victory,” that Hezbollah is an militant/terror arm of Iran. Enough said.

During Lapid’s rather short term in office as interim PM, attacks against his own people, on their own land, within Israel, have skyrocketed. The Palestinians are no longer intimidated by the strength of Israel’s military or police since Netanyahu’s departure. Just last week an Israeli soldier was shot and killed in an attack claimed by Palestinian terrorists. This killing comes just three days after an 18 year old Israeli soldier was killed at a checkpoint right smack in the heart of Jerusalem. Stabbings occur on a frighteningly daily basis. And last month Palestinian and Arab-Israeli terrorists wounded six Israeli troopers and a civilian when their bus was sprayed with bullets. Israelis are now targets of their Islamist enemies within Israel itself because of the weaknesses of the Lapid government. This tragic situation is reflected as well within our own country where American police are targets of undaunted militant domestic terrorists such as Black Lives Matter, whose street chant; “What do we want….dead cops.” and the “Dead pigs in blankets” threats that they carry out so well.

Both nations suffer from voter stupidity. In Israel, the people did not give Netanyahu an opportunity to rule them again and stand up to the terrorists who now seem emboldened to threaten the lives of innocent Israelis. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that both Yair Lapid and Joe Biden, both weak-kneed leaders are running their respective nations. Our own voters refused Trump a second term, although he had our enemies, North Korea, China, Iran and Russia on the run. Now, the roof seems to be falling in on us from without and within. In Israel, the same scenario. Terrorists threatening to attack the Jewish state’s borders and Palestinians living within Israel and those in adjoining areas are killing, maiming and doing their terrorist thing undaunted by Israel’s retaliations.

We are praying for both nations’ leaders to finally show some strength against their enemies, whether domestic or international. Again, the basic responsibility of an elected leader is to see to the safety and security of his/her constituents. A lesson to be learned in Jerusalem and D.C. We hope.

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